?????strayhrt ???????[ 2016/7/26 11:27:42 ] ????????????????
?????????????????Android???????????????calabash???????BDD????????????????д???????????????????????????????so easy~
??????????phantomjs????????UI???????????????selenium webdriver???????ɡ?
from behave import *
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
def before_scenario(context??scenario):
context.dr = webdriver.PhantomJS('phantomjs'??service_args=['--ignore-ssl-errors=yes'])
context.dr.set_window_size(1360?? 900)
from behave import *
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.common.alert import Alert
@given('I open test portal')
def step_impl(context):
assert_that(context.dr.current_url??matches_regexp('7030/cas/login')??"not auth page")
Scenario: 1887204-3
Given I open test portal
when I input username and login
then I move to release rule page
when I reset cfp cp-center log
when I reset cfp carrier-center log
then I create new release rule "autotest" "????????" "1" "diy" within "180"s
| id | equal | value |
| ?????? | = | ?й???? |
| ???? | = | lt_50m_qg_suc |
| ??????? | = | autotest |
then I check cfp cp-center log within "30"s for "release order success.*target release count:1"
?????? ???????~

2023/3/23 14:23:39???д?ò??????????
2023/3/22 16:17:39????????????????????Щ??
2022/6/14 16:14:27??????????????????????????
2021/10/18 15:37:44???????????????
2021/9/17 15:19:29???·???????·
2021/9/14 15:42:25?????????????
2021/5/28 17:25:47??????APP??????????
2021/5/8 17:01:11