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static unsigned long WINAPI _threadstartex (void* ptd) {
// Note: ptd is the address of this thread's tiddata block.
// Associate the tiddata block with this thread so
// _getptd() will be able to find it in _callthreadstartex.
TlsSetValue(__tlsindex?? ptd);
// Save this thread ID in the _tiddata block.
((_ptiddata) ptd)->_tid = GetCurrentThreadId();
// Initialize floating-point support (code not shown).
// call helper function.
_callthreadstartex ();
// We never get here; the thread dies in _callthreadstartex.
static void _callthreadstartex(void) {
_ptiddata ptd; /* pointer to thread's _tiddata struct */
// get the pointer to thread data from TLS
ptd = _getptd();
// Wrap desired thread function in SEH frame to
// handle run-time errors and signal support.
__try {
// Call desired thread function?? passing it the desired parameter.
// Pass thread's exit code value to _endthreadex.
_endthreadex (
((unsigned (WINAPI *)(void *))(((_ptiddata)ptd)->_initaddr))
(((_ptiddata)ptd)->_initarg)) ;
__except(_XcptFilter(GetExceptionCode()?? GetExceptionInformation())){
// The C run-time's exception handler deals with run-time errors
// and signal support; we should never get it here.
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2021/5/28 17:25:47??????APP??????????
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